Tuesday, August 26, 2008


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as i've been a good boy lately,
& those who know me
will understand why i say this;
i felt i deserved a little something.
after work,
i grabbed some beers,
a cake,
& settle for some leftovers,
nothing wrong with that...
& my treat tonight?
"celine sur les plaines",
celine dion's performance on the plaines d'abraham,
last friday.
as i wasn't home on friday,
i missed the live broadcast,
so today,
i went to-de-go on illico
& ordered it .
a nice feeling to get celine to show up,
when "i" decide...
(only in my own sick mind...)
she gave this show
to celebrate quebec city's 400th anniversary,
while she is herself touring the world,
delivering a unique show
for the occasion,
with some guests
& sticking to her french repertoire only...
(this is decidedly a recurring theme
this week,
first a french tv series,
now a french concert.
what's next:?
not a french movie,
N-O-O-O !!!
but i'd go for a french restaurant,
you know...)
the production was impeccable,
the crowd was immense & enthousiastic,
(reportedly a quarter million people were there);
the guests were familiar & well received:
who sang one of my favorites: "seul"
marc dupre,
i didn't know his stuff but i think he did well.
nanette workman,
"lady marmelade" with celine was most fun.
dan bigras,
who went from "tu m'tueras" to "carmina burana" to "les 3 p'tits cochons",
but also reciting a poem he wrote for sarajevo.
a man with convictions.
i like that.
mes aieux.
le clan dion,
whose rendition of "il y a longtemps que je t'aime" was beautiful.
zachary richard.
eric lapointe,
who joined celine for "l'amour existe encore",
than sang "mon ange",
his best song ever,
i think...
claude dubois,
"si dieu existe" with celine
tended to prove maybe god does exist (?)...
jean-pierre ferland
who sang with celine
celine & rene's song,
"une chance qu'on s'a"
& then went on with
"un peu plus haut, un peu plus loin"
only to be joined by
ginette reno.
celine & ginette's duo was spectacular.
why, tell me why,
these two never sang together before
i don't wish,
i demand,
i command
that these two sing together
not one song,
but a whole album,
don't wait 'till someone dies
to think that maybe you should have...
DO IT NOW !!!!!
that's an order,
with luv',
but an order nonetheless.
if certain moments left me nonplussed,
the ending was well worth waiting for it.
oh, wow!!!!!!!!!!
now i pray,
since paul mccartney declined the offer
to have his concert in quebec city turned into a DVD,
that celine & rene on the contrary,
have accepted &
we will soon see it in store,
as it makes for a most memorable moment.
come on
"productions J" & "feeling productions"!!
get your act together.
i'm willing to buy a french DVD!!!
better do it soon
before i change my mind!!
(as if ever...
it is celine,
after all,
we're speaking of here...)
bravo celine!!
bravo la gang!!
c'est un maudit beau cadeau
que vous avez fait a la ville de quebec,
mais aussi a tous les quebecois.

it is still available through illico,
& we could still make pressure
on the powers-that-be
to release a DVD
pretty soon,
before xmas maybe?
it'd make for such a lovely gift...
the DVD is now available!!!!!!


La Bloggia said...

Je vais me moucher...

Celine pis Ginette, là... si c'est pas de l'émotion, ça, j'sais pas c'est quoi!

Bruno Laliberté said...

un moment historique, culturellement parlant. moi, les kleenex ne suffisaient pas, j'en etais aux paper towels. tu me connais...

linoue said...

Premier vidéo:
Je ne connaissais pas cette chanson. Mais la voix qui m'a séduit une fois à Vegas est la
toujours incroyable. Quelle range cette chanteuse. En plus c'est une professionelle entourée de professionels. Quand cette dame chante, elle le fait avec tout son coeur et tout son talent. Merci Céline, moi j'apprécies beaucoup.

Deuxième vidéo:
Ticklebear, you are not alone (did not need Scottowels but a few Kleenex). Céline et Ginette. WOW. Ce que j'ai trouvé le plus intense la-dedans c'est que j'ai vu une superstar, fébrile qui chantait avec son idole pour la première fois. Céline comme une enfant qui a la chance de rencontrer son idole. Comme si elle avait du se pincer pendant la prestation pour réaliser que ce n'était pas un rêve mais la réalité. Surement très intense pour elle. Et ce que j'admire de Céline Dion c'est qu'elle n'acte pas. On peut facilement deviner ses émotions sur son visage et dans sa voix. J'ignore le genre de vie publique qu'elle a vécu mais elle reste intègre à mes yeux. Pour Mme Reno, comment faites-vous pour chanter si puissament en atteignant des notes inimaginables sans effort? (ca me rapelle les athlètes des Olympiques, they make it look easy....)

Autres vidéos:

DVD pour Noël, I want! Un album en francais de Céline & Ginette, go girls!

Bruno Laliberté said...

celine demeure celine.
as for videos, i want more too.
i want my DVD!! i want my DVD!!! i want my DVD!!!

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