Saturday, September 26, 2009


Photo Sharing and File Hosting at
at montreal's botanical garden
is an anuual rendez-vous not to be missed.
this said,
my visit this year was probably the most dreadful
as the event is victim of its own success...
it may have taken me hardly ten minutes to hop in a cab
to hit the express way & reach my destination,
but the waiting in line to get tickets for the site
took forever...
& much to my delight... [NOT!!!]
i was surrounded by throngs of children in strollers or running around,
crying & screaming,
& people in wheelchairs...
i strongly recommend you go during the week.
weekends are simply sheer madness.
people pushing you while you try to take pictures,
the paths are narrow & uneven,
which in my opinion is neither
strollers or wheelchairs friendly.
(just my opinion...)
since i'm none too keen on kids or big crowds,
it took something away from the experience
as there's really not much room to move around.
i'm glad i saw it,
even if it weren't in the best circumstances.
the organizers obviously made good use of the pieces of years past,
& the new setting on the pond is just gorgeous.
it is truly an enchanting view to be enjoyed,
when you're not threatened to be pushed over into the pond by this mob...
(do you get the sense i may be just a tad pissed off here?!?)
as you follow the paths & cross those little bridges,
the view keeps revealing itself anew,
with more details to admire amidst the plants
& over the water.
you also can visit a few chinese pavillions,
(which i skipped, i wonder why?!?).
definitely a destination not to be missed
D-U-R-I-N-G T-H-E W-E-E-K !!!
don't worry,
i'll be back next year,
& i'll try to remember my own advice...

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