Tuesday, August 26, 2008


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as i've been a good boy lately,
& those who know me
will understand why i say this;
i felt i deserved a little something.
after work,
i grabbed some beers,
a cake,
& settle for some leftovers,
nothing wrong with that...
& my treat tonight?
"celine sur les plaines",
celine dion's performance on the plaines d'abraham,
last friday.
as i wasn't home on friday,
i missed the live broadcast,
so today,
i went to-de-go on illico
& ordered it .
a nice feeling to get celine to show up,
when "i" decide...
(only in my own sick mind...)
she gave this show
to celebrate quebec city's 400th anniversary,
while she is herself touring the world,
delivering a unique show
for the occasion,
with some guests
& sticking to her french repertoire only...
(this is decidedly a recurring theme
this week,
first a french tv series,
now a french concert.
what's next:?
not a french movie,
N-O-O-O !!!
but i'd go for a french restaurant,
you know...)
the production was impeccable,
the crowd was immense & enthousiastic,
(reportedly a quarter million people were there);
the guests were familiar & well received:
who sang one of my favorites: "seul"
marc dupre,
i didn't know his stuff but i think he did well.
nanette workman,
"lady marmelade" with celine was most fun.
dan bigras,
who went from "tu m'tueras" to "carmina burana" to "les 3 p'tits cochons",
but also reciting a poem he wrote for sarajevo.
a man with convictions.
i like that.
mes aieux.
le clan dion,
whose rendition of "il y a longtemps que je t'aime" was beautiful.
zachary richard.
eric lapointe,
who joined celine for "l'amour existe encore",
than sang "mon ange",
his best song ever,
i think...
claude dubois,
"si dieu existe" with celine
tended to prove maybe god does exist (?)...
jean-pierre ferland
who sang with celine
celine & rene's song,
"une chance qu'on s'a"
& then went on with
"un peu plus haut, un peu plus loin"
only to be joined by
ginette reno.
celine & ginette's duo was spectacular.
why, tell me why,
these two never sang together before
i don't wish,
i demand,
i command
that these two sing together
not one song,
but a whole album,
don't wait 'till someone dies
to think that maybe you should have...
DO IT NOW !!!!!
that's an order,
with luv',
but an order nonetheless.
if certain moments left me nonplussed,
the ending was well worth waiting for it.
oh, wow!!!!!!!!!!
now i pray,
since paul mccartney declined the offer
to have his concert in quebec city turned into a DVD,
that celine & rene on the contrary,
have accepted &
we will soon see it in store,
as it makes for a most memorable moment.
come on
"productions J" & "feeling productions"!!
get your act together.
i'm willing to buy a french DVD!!!
better do it soon
before i change my mind!!
(as if ever...
it is celine,
after all,
we're speaking of here...)
bravo celine!!
bravo la gang!!
c'est un maudit beau cadeau
que vous avez fait a la ville de quebec,
mais aussi a tous les quebecois.

it is still available through illico,
& we could still make pressure
on the powers-that-be
to release a DVD
pretty soon,
before xmas maybe?
it'd make for such a lovely gift...
the DVD is now available!!!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


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yes, hell's gonna freeze over!!!
ticklebear has acquired (legally...)
the DVD boxset of the first season of
a quebecois comedy
running on radio-canada...
alright people!!
pick up your jaw from your desk
& put back your eyeballs into the sockets...
written by francois archambault
& directed by ricardo trogi,
it is the collision of two lifestyles
of two men that used to share things together,
both playing in a band
& living on the wildside;
now they both live in two totally different worlds,
& drag everyone into a whirlwind experience
where all are exposed to unexpected sides of themselves.
it's a crazy world out there
when you let it in...
suburbia will never be the same.
i'm halfway through the first season,
& i'll admit...
(awh, shut up!!!)
it is quite good.
some things made me laughed out loud.
if i had watched it on tv on a weekly basis,
i don't know if i would have stuck with it,
but to see it like this,
one chapter after another,
(no commercials...),
it makes for a pleasant time,
where we see the opposition
between freedom & conformity,
between obligations & being carefree.
what do you think happens???
as the saying goes:
the shit hits the fan...
i don't know
if i'll watch the 2nd season on tv this fall,
but i'm likely to grab it on DVD
when it comes out.
the characters are well-defined,
the storyline is interesting
& it reflects somehow
what our society has been through
& what it's all about now,
with a touch of humor.
i like it!!
(is everyone still breathing???...
come on!!!
get over it...)
the main character,
"jacques prefontaine" just lost his mom,
just like me,
not so long ago...
a moving moment.
should i expect one too?????
an excellent series,
& looking forward even more so,
to the 2nd season.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


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the weather was nice
& the crowd anxiously waited
for things to start.
the parade this year
was under the theme of the circus,
& some really took it to heart.
it was a lively, noisy & colorful parade;
with its clowns & acrobats,
a bit of leather,
a bit of glam,
& a whole lot of energy.
it was a great parade,
like we hadn't seen for a while now...
nothing too shocking happened,
but issues about family, health & human rights
were raised.
we also saw some lambda groups,
as well as some retiree group.
talk about contrast!!
but we can't ignore the fact
that everyone deals with his/her homosexuality
at any age.
the presence of some ethnic groups
reflecting the true diversity of montreal
was heartwarming.
community groups & local businesses
did their best to put on a good show,
some having more means than others,
but it was all done with heart.
best floats are the "circus sky"
& "mado's circus".
the best hat goes to "madame simone",
with that reptily-thing on her head.
very circus lady, my dear!!
the "studbar" didn't have a spectacular float,
just a structure,
but the acrobatics done there were most enjoyable to watch.
wasn't that mario going up & down???
best business award goes to TD bank,
not because it was spectacular,
but the crew was having a good time
& it was contagious.
worst business award goes to?
it's a tie,
between "vitamin waters" & "guru",
for showing up with their promotional trucks,
but lacking any sense of marketing:
couldn't they have distributed some samples of their products??
the refreshments would have been welcomed
& it might have introduce their brand
to new customers,
& showed some spirit too...
sorry guys!!
you missed on that one.
best swimsuit/underwear award goes to:
the guys on the "parking" float.
a really sexy bunch over there.
the parade ended on a sour note though...
the "stockbar" float...
the concept was pretty nice,
but just like last year,
the dancers wouldn't really acknowledge the crowd,
& didn't perform any form of entertainment,
just standing there,
talking among themselves.
(again, just like last year.)
i saw only one who tried,
but he looked pretty lonely there.
i guess these guys are only good for one thing:
bouncing their dick left & right when you throw money at them.
don't think guys
that because of your look,
that's all it takes.
so "stockbar",
you get the award for the worst show,
or should i say no-show??
totally boring...
but that aside,
a most enjoyable afternoon,
watching a parade
that was mostly entertaining,
minus a few things.
congrats to all participants & sponsors!!
good show!!
& see you all next year!!
(except the "stockbar" guys...)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Radiohead, Montreal 2008

Photo Sharing and File Hosting at Badongo.com "Just as they play your favourite song, as your bad day disappears"
Yes it was rainy, gray, muddy & crowded, but as they played my favorite song they made it all disappear.

MTL-2008 video not there anymore, so here is the official one!

I am a Radiohead fan, no I do not like crowds nor the rain. But it will be engraved on my hard drive... brain that is... unfortunately did not take video & audio. Souvenirs from that muddy wild evening among true fans is now part of my neurones.

I was closer to the stage for the first band (Grizzly Bear...my totem name & I must say they were rockin'), but having to go eliminate a prior beer & getting a new one...could not find room to see the stage (umbrellas were aparently allowed). So I climbed up the hill, tried many times to convince the STCUM staff to let me on their show bus roof top (even asked for an emergency escape demo, that did not work)...so I watched the show on the top of the "butte".

Radiohead was generous, their playlist, 15 songs + 2 encores...that's more songs than my actual I-pod battery can handle... they were live & they were on fire! Even when the fireworks came...(please watch this clip, you can hear Thom Yorke adding the word: "Fireworks" to the lyrics...GÉNIAL!). Must have been disturbing for them, 'cause it got my attention. That was for a short few seconds, Radiohead's performance blew away any other occuring phenomena at that time. Every song I love was there (except "Pyramid song" & "Dollars & cents" but I can live without that).

What a great time I had even though I could not see the band clearly, the stage & it's lights + Montreal's unrentless menacing skyline... WOW, WOW &RE-WOW.

Too old to be a groopie but for ever will be a music lover & Radiohead fan.
on my chart that is:I am still surprised they let me in the subway after what I looked like... Fell twice in the mud going down the hill, once one the left, once on the right... washed my tub 3 times, still mud in there... but everytime I wash it I am singing a Radiohead song out loud, to my neighbors' delite, "it's gonna be a glorious day!"

Thursday, August 7, 2008


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this was the final tonight...
panzera s.a.s. delivered a performance
that was not jaw-dropping,
since i found the music selection rather traditional,
be it classical, jazz or mainstream,
their interpretation was most engaging,
even intriguing at times.
i was riveted!!!
& one good thing,
they were MOST generous!!!!
it never lacked,
it just kept on coming!!!
what a great show.
no rating as they were not competing,
but it was SO worth seeing!!!
alright, alright!!
so you want to know who won the competition?
& i could not agree more!!!!
the competition was SO fierce this year,
you'd think
they all had to win or die...
i wish to thank every company that participate this year,
as they gave us the ultimate experience.
this jaded spectator was entranced more than once.
in my heart,
many have earn a gold jupiter.
& i'm sure i can safely speak for everyone here:
come back any ol'time!!!!!
thanks, grazie, danke...
(& that's the extent of my knowledge...)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Escapade à Ottawa

La Fabrique de l'Homme Nouveau :
Bon là, c'est pas pour me vanter, mais... je viens de voir une des plus belles expositions qu'il m'ait été donné de visiter ces dernières années.

Je voulais absolument y aller, j'étais plus que due pour une visite de musée. Le sujet ne me disait rien de spécial, mais avec un tableau de Dali comme appât, j'ai mordu comme morue affamée et m'y suis précipitée!

Qu'est-ce que je m'y suis délectée!! Tout d'abord, les années 1930 et leurs lot de crash boursier, de temps de régimes politiques rigides, la folie d'Hitler, Staline, Mussolini et cie et de développement dans le domaine des recherches biologiques ne me semblaient pas synonymes de "plaisir". Ils ne le sont toujours pas, mais furent une source d'inspiration incontestable de la part des artistes de l'époque. Que ce soit par les découvertes au niveau des cellules vues par microscope, qui ont inspirées des oeuvres très intéressantes par Wassily Kandinski, entre autres, ou que ce soit par opposition à une forme d'esthétisme imposée pour une race parfaite, ou encore comme témoignage des ravages de la guerre, les oeuvres présentées sont toutes poignantes d'une façon ou d'une autre.

En fait, j'ai tellement apprécié ma visite, que j'y suis retournée le lendemain! Au diable la dépense! Et j'ai autant apprécié.

J'y ai fait des découvertes merveilleuses d'artistes qui m'étaient totalement inconnus. J'en retiens les noms de : Ivan le Lorraine Albright, Pyde Koch, Stanley Spencer, Balthus (qui sait si bien rendre cette période d'adolescence des petites filles), Charley Toorop, Alfonso Ponce de Leon, Tullio Crali, Philip Guston,...

C'est une grande exposition, qui nous explique très bien le contexte de ces années pas très joyeuses. Une exposition généreuse (plus de 200 oeuvres) et diversifiée. Je recommande chaudement cette visite. Ce sont des heures de plaisir en perspective.

Et en plus, pour le même prix, l'exposition permanente du Musée des Beaux-Arts du Canada vous attend... en ce qui me concerne, ce sont les pochades de certains membres du Groupes des Sept, Tom Thompson en prime, qui m'ont fait grandement plaisir de revoir.

Allez, il vous reste à peine un mois pour en profiter!

In Your Face :
Alors là, tant qu'à être à Ottawa, pourquoi ne pas aller visiter cette petite expositon gratuite des plus charmante, à la Bibliothèque des Archives du Canada.

Il s'agit d'un projet initié par AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario de Toronto) qui proposait à la population de l'Ontario de lui envoyer un portrait de 4" X 6". La réponse fut telle, que des portraits d'un peu partout dans le monde lui furent envoyés!

Ils sont tous exposés dans une mosaïque impressionnante sur les murs d'une seule salle. Mais quel résultat! J'ai ADORÉ regarder tous ces portraits. Certains naïfs, d'autres de mains plus expérimentées.

C'est la créativité des gens qui m'a vraiment réjouie.

Jusqu'au 1er septembre.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


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last night was the last contestant,
sunny international co. inc.
in what was a most anticipated firework.
it was china after all...
but mother nature quickly proved uncooperative
as we could see all of the fumes
stagnating there due to a lack of wind.
the music was charming though quite conventional,
but they did throw in there some edith piaf.
as for the firework itself,
the various pieces looked amazing,
but we rapidly lost any visibility,
ending up on missing what might have been a grand finale.
i was SO looking forward to their show.
i hate when that happens...
but with the weather we had been having all day,
it came as no real surprise.
the little we could see from my place
looked very good.
let's hope the judges saw more than we did.

(just a few pictures of what might have been great...)

Saturday, August 2, 2008


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la bloggia may have beat me to the punch,
about grace jones,
as i hesitated
about posting "corporate cannibal"
& decided to post something else,
but here's something else,
that she ain't got:
the soundtrack of "this is life".
some source told me this may not be the final track
from the wall of sound...
that remains to be seen,
but in the meantime,
i think this is already a great track.
i did a little video
to enhance the experience.
some old & more recent pics,
with her new sound.
can it get any better"
only the people at wall of sound can answer this...

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Friday, August 1, 2008


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mummy 3.
i was a big fan of the first two films,
so it was no surprise
i saw this one.
good news, bad news????
i miss rachel weiss,
but maria bello did well,
even though she's not the most charismatic actress...
jet li was alright too.
the CGI looked kinda low-budget...
alright, that's enough!!!
brandon fraser????
michelle yeow,
simply superb!!!
the new kids on the block???
not bad at all!!!
i want more.
(& we'll get more,
as it screams sequel...)
the movie started just fine
with a touch of mythology.
i thought it was genial
to make a story
about the emperor & its clay army.
was it clever?
was it entertaining????
damn right it was!!!!!!!!!
torontoboy & superman agreed with me:
it's a 4 stars.
we had a great time.
but it's not something out of the discovery channel.
don't believe everything you see there...

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