Thursday, July 31, 2008


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the united states of america!!!!
represented by pyrotecnico!!!
(even their website is cool!!)
P-Y-R-O-T-E-C-N-I-C-O !!!!
that's how you spell orgasm!!!
OH, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was all for "the love of rock"
& rocking they did.
montreal was basked in their light,
i even got emotional
as they played jonh lennon (twice...) & U2,
& so many others.
there was just such a mood!!!
one of the best presentation.
they get 5 stars, and more!!!!!!!!!!!
elvis gratton would have been SO proud:
"think big, 'stie!!!"
non-quebeckers will not get this,
but just know this:
this was one hell of a firework!!!
it rocked,
it amazed us,
we are in awe!!!!!
even as i write this,
almost 2 hours later...
it was one amazing show.
linoue was there,
dancing to the music,
& applauding the stunning show
we saw tonight.
the only problem i see here:
we want more, now...
how about an encore????
oh, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!!!!!!
(just look at the bridge!!!
the jacques cartier bridge is NOT a small structure!!!
that'll give you some idea...)
i even wrote to them...
if i get an answer,
i'll post it as an update...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Vous n'avez aucun talent culinaire? Vous êtes absolument sans imagination face au contenu de votre garde-manger? Par surcroît, vous n'avez pas beaucoup de temps à investir dans la fabrication de vos repas? Vous avez à gérer un budget de façon très serrée? Mais vous devez tout de même manger, et bien, si possible?

Mais vous êtes mes clones!!!

Vous êtes végétariens? Omnivores? Vous avez des allergies? Des intolérances alimentaires? Vous voulez exclure certains groupes d'aliments de votre menu (genre les poissons)? Vous voulez connaître le nombre de calories absorbées par portion? Le prix de vos petits plats par portion?

Qu'à cela ne tienne, tout est possible! Vous pouvez vous faire élaborer un menu personnalisé à chaque semaine, en fonction des aliments en spécial dans les chaînes de supermarchés.
Vous préférez acheter des produits locaux?
Fallait le dire!
Vous pouvez recevoir vos menus en fonctions des produits disponibles dans les marchés publics de votre localité! Car ce site est une base de données à l'étendue du Canada.

Juste à remplir un formulaire à l'inscription sur le site de : SOS Cuisine, et hop! Vous recevrez un courriel à chaque semaine vous signalant que votre nouveau menu vous attend sur ce site en question!

C'est-y assez merveilleux!

Personnellement, cela fait quelques mois que je m'y suis abonnée. Je n'en fais quand même pas une religion, j'ai testé seulement quelques recettes (on ne change pas sa nature profonde si facilement). Mais bon... c'est l'été, les terrasses sont attrayantes, et tout et tout...

Sauf que c'est un site vraiment génial, regorgeant d'une multitude d'informations sur des techniques culinaires. Vous pouvez aussi y élaborer votre propre livre de recettes en y ajoutant vos préférences parmi les menus proposés.

Ce qui me plaît par-dessus tout, c'est que je peux consulter tous les spéciaux de la semaine dans toutes les grandes chaînes d'épicerie, en un seul coup d'oeil!! La cheap en moi ne se peut plus!

J'vous le dis, cela m'a presque donné le goût de cuisiner! En tout cas, c'est 100 fois mieux que mes expériences personnelles...

And you'll never guess what!
It is also available in englishhhhh!
Is'nt it won-der-foul-le!


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it seems like modern medecine
has reached its limits
& can't offer me much....

but my local bartender might say otherwise...
say hello to doctor cuervo....

the "golden margarita"
with an extra shot of tequila
might just be what the doctor ordered...
or did he???
it works...just fine!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Photo Sharing and File Hosting at Badongo.comSame Planet. Different World: Sunday at the movies for a group of 5 aged: 83, 79, 60, 50 & 43.We went to see the newest adaption of Verne's novel.

  • Good use of the 3D "widget": Used in this film for surprise, laughter and putting the spectator in the action.
  • Brendan Fraser, the more I see him, the more I like him. He just has this casual, accessible personae and in this film he's the glue.
  • The young actress (Anita Briem) I mistaken for Kirsitin Dunst, she has quite an attitude in this film and it suits her well, does not seem like she is acting.
  • The TEENAGER (alias: Josh Hutcherson ) just doing what comes naturally throughout the movie, hopefully we will see him again (he reminds me of Edward Furlong, in the Terminator movies).
  • Special FX: the compositing very nicely done and it blends in the movie, you can hardly tell what is real & what is computer generated.
  • Specail mention: cinemtography & lighting. The use of colors warm/cold was impressive.

  • Some action scenes. I know this is not Indiana Jones... but the coal mine roller coaster ride, the dinosaur jaw sliding down a mountain... Seen it before.
  • The fantasy. Maybe it is just me, (okay I take from James Bond & Indiana) but when "stunts" are humanly impossible, I kind of loose it here.

Our group laughed. I was not bored throughout the movie. The 3 rows in front of me had parents & kids aged from 6 to 12, I heard them laugh & actually saw one kid get up to try to catch the 3D fish! Very cute.

It is not a movie I had planned to see but am am glad I got to see it because I did enjoy it.


must do's:
  • leave your cursor on one of the gigantesque Venus actually eats it!
  • Flip side widget cool (does not work with canadian postal codes, one day we'll getdigits too....hoping)
  • Yes it's "Vernian" & you'll understand after the movie.


Ce billet sera moins une critique qu'un hors-d'oeuvre.

Ou plutôt un partage d'information sur la venue d'un nouveau CD de la flamboyante Grace Jones, qui nous a privé de nouveau matériel depuis presque vingt ans. Un ouragan de plus frappera les côtes américaines cet automne, le 27 octobre pour être plus précise avec la sortie de Hurricane!

Cela fait déjà quelques semaines que je suis tombée sur un premier extrait, vidéo en prime. Avoir écrit cet article dès la première écoute, je vous aurais classé ça dans ma filière 13 assez rapidement, dans la catégorie des weirdos et bizzaroïdes. Mais plus je l'écoute (et le regarde), plus je l'apprécie. Il gagne des demi-notes à chaque écoute.
Je ne recommande tout de même pas de le faire jouer devant des enfants de moins de 10 ans... un cauchemard est si vite arrivé, à ces âges là!

Mais quel athmosphère, quelle voix presque d'outre-tombe, quelles paroles! On repassera pour les mélodies hop-la-joie!

Il s'agit de : Corporate Cannibal

Passé de:à:Et je vais l'écouter encore!

Donc, on doit s'attendre à tout un retour de cette amazone sexagénaire!
Quand on lui a demandé de parler de Hurricane, sa réponse fut: Grrrrrr!

Voici les titres qui figureront sur ce CD:

· Corporate Cannibal
· The Key To Funky
· Hurricane
· Devil In My Life
· This Is Life
· Love You To Life
· William’s Blood
· Keeping Up With The Jones

Je vous en recauserai fort probablement cet automne...

Sunday, July 27, 2008


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last night
was austria's turn to impress us.
pyrovision GmbH austria was supposed to hypnotyse us,
with black sabbath & other music of the same kind.
the soundtrack may have been interesting,
if unusual at best,
but the visual was SO bland,
i felt sorry for linoue
who was seeing her first firework this year...
she'll be back for the usa & china.
learn from this experience
& come back to impress us.
no, really!!
impress us.
'cause it's far from being our first firework we see here,
far from it...
we could see people leaving before the end.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


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tonight's fireworks
were created by
garden city display fireworks,
representing canada.
let's make one thing clear right away:
mother nature wasn't cooperating with us tonight.
low skies, slight drizzle, strong winds...
pushing the fumes toward the city,
thus marring my vantage point.
this said,
it doesn't matter.
presenting us "aurora",
a program with evocative music,
where you felt like going on an adventure,
& it was an adventure alright!!
each scene was creative, colorful, & most lively.
ambitious & innovative,
it was breathtaking,
despite the fumes.
it was sheer poetry!!
pity the camera couldn't capture
what the naked eye could see.
but i'm sure glad i saw this.
i think canada may be one of the contenders
for a jupiter.
this year,
the competition is fierce,
& it's all for our viewing pleasure.
a definite "5"!!
thanx guys & good luck!!


Photo Sharing and File Hosting at Badongo.comBrought there by circumstances (reservations were required, as always, Au Pied De Cochon and the rain cloud exploded seconds later), Vertige conveniently being the restaurant next door, my sister (visiting from out of town) & I walked in.

The restaurant was empty. It was exactly what we needed, a quiet place to catch up, have great conversation in a cozy ambiance. The stars had lined up for us, right then.

Everything was perfect and exciting. I eat because I have to eat, I like the foods I'm used to, it does the job. Yesterday my tastebuds got stimulated to the max (yes it was an orgasm).

We ordered & shared:
  • Foie gras de canard pôelé
    (sauce abricot, servi sur une peche, croutons au gingembre)
  • Carpaccio de filet de boeuf
    (au sésames, sauce punzu, glace concombre)
  • Duo d'agneau
    (cotes d'agneau, moussaka d'épaule d'agneau)
  • Une frite
    (can't live without it)
  • Fondant au chocolat

First of all the service was "impeccable" and the food woke up my senses. When you do an exercise you are not used too, some muscles are sore the next day, I forgot how powerful "taste" is, now I know it's alive and well. Having foie gras whose fat is absorbed by spicy gingerbread toned down by the sweetness of peaches while your mouth is greeted by the apricot's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, a big word that basically means: orgasm.

As I say, if you don't have any, you don't miss it, but once you've tasted it again, you've gotta have it. Next time I will not be brought to Vertige by coincidence, I will go to keep my sense of taste alive and well and...satisfied.

540 Duluth Est, Montréal

Yes I give it:

For any visitors to Montreal, when touring the must-sees, please stray on the cross-streets, that is were you will discover Montreal, visionnary entrepreneurs who have one goal, share their passion, craftsmanship & I guarantee at least one of your senses will be on overdrive.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Photo Sharing and File Hosting at

sir paul mccartney did his gig in quebec city,
& me & my friends got to see it
last night on illico.
paul is now a sexagenarian
& it shows ever so slightly in some ways,
but nostalgia is quite forgiving.
yet paul remains after all this icon of an era
when there was such hope
for peace & love universally,
giving us a superb performance there.
it had been a while
since i'd seen an artist being just SO generous
with his public.
he went through the beatles repertoire,
along with wings' & his own,
showing us just how pertinent
he's always remained,
& reminding us of all this music
that has marked our lives.
he had lovely attentions for the people in quebec city
& people responded in such a way
that proved there was simply no polemics whatsoever
as far as quebeckers were concerned.
it made for a memorable moment
& i can just imagine those people,
in 10-20-30 years,
reminiscing & stating with satisfaction
that they were "THERE"
when that happened.
a unique opportunity
for quebecois & english cultures to embrace
& make peace.
there was such vibrancy,
i know this will not be forgotten
anytime soon...if ever!!!
it is a blessing that
paul has the health & the will
to still share with us his talent.
& we are most grateful for partaking into this.
my friends & i watched it
from the comfort of my place
& though it surely made for a different experience,
we were all most happy to see paul perform.
my strongest & most moving moments were
when he sang
"my love",
"band on the run",
"live & let die",
"let it be",
& of course
"hey jude",
where paul had some fun with the crowd,
to the delight of everyone i'm sure!!
& he also sang "michelle"...
a brit made quebeckers smile
& sing along on the plains of abraham,
thus washing the pain away for some,
i hope...
paul has always been revered here
as an icon
& his visit here made him appear friendly & generous.
truly the kind of friend we like to have.
a true ambassador for the reconciliation?
a true artist at any rates,
that reunites people all around the world.
sir paul,
thanx for the good times,
& hoping there may be more of these
sometime soon.
we can dream,
can't we?!?...

happy customers!!!
we'll remember this night fondly.

UPDATE: JULY 22nd 2008
i watched it again tonight,
before my VOD expired.
all i can say is:
thanks to daniel gelinas
& the team behind quebec city's 400th celebrations.
thanks to pierre marchand,
from groupe archambault.
a special thanks to sir paul & his crew,
for accepting the invitation
& delivering for us such a performance.
the boy, & his friends, that seduced us many decades ago
is still there
& just as effective.
thanks for the rocking good time!!!
a la prochaine!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


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represented by howard & sons pyrotechnics.
all i can say at this point is:
WOW !!!
the judges will be hardput to pick a winner
for this competition,
as everyone seem determined
not to settle for second place.
the australian team dazzled us
with an array of perfect celestial jewels.
& if i may say so,
they like to work on a grand scale.
i even had to tilt my camera
to encompass the whole thing.
it was pure pleasure,
as they kicked things off
with moulin-rouge,
& it went from there to metallica & tiesto,
& everything in between,
as they ran the whole gamut.
throughout the presentation,
i noted 3 pauses that were uncalled for,
& at the end,
the fireworks ended way before the music,
there may have been synch problems.
but honestly,
did anyone truly notice?
it was just so grand,
i doubt anyone saw that.
thanks mates!!!
it was great.
let's do that again some time.
to think we had some rainstorms earlier on,
than a rainbow,
& a fullmoon.
it was well worth it
to get such a clear sky & a great show like this.
everything was perfect.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


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if i had thought the CD was allright,
the "elements of life" DVD is another matter altogether.
it is just sheer amazing.
tiesto's music is pertinent,
the beat is plain mad,
all this delivered within a concept
that is bound to mesmerize you.
he is a true performer in his genre,
a crowdpleaser,
& he much deserves all of the recognition
he's been getting for all of these years.
he stands among the best DJs of this world.
this 2-DVDs set is well worth it.
to really understand tiesto,
you either need to see him in concert,
or get him on video.
that's how you get to fully embrace
the whole experience.
it is a world of its own.
i should know!!
if not a world of its own, at least a culture,
where people are able to love one another,
if only for a fleeting moment.

Monday, July 14, 2008

O'Thym : Raffiné, mais pas hautain...que non!

Sur la rue de Maisonneuve, presqu'au coin de Amherst, dissimulé entre les autres commerces du patelin, se trouve un des meilleurs restaurants du quartier. Il a la façade discrète, pas de grosse affiche criarde à l'extérieur, juste son nom : O'Thym collé sur la vitrine. Vitrine qui nous laisse voir l'ensemble de la salle à manger, ainsi que le menu, inscrit sur la grande ardoise tout au fond de la salle.

Le contenu du menu est directement inspiré de la cuisine française, mais rehaussé des élans de créativité du chef Noé Lainesse.

Tenez, c'est lui...

Pour vous donner une idée de ce qui titillera vos papilles durant l'heure du midi, suivez ce lien.
Si vous êtes curieux de savoir ce qui les ravira le soir venu, jetez un coup-d'oeil sur ceci.

Et je ne vous ai pas encore dit le plus beau, dans tout ça : vous pouvez APPORTER VOTRE VIN!!!
Si, si! Donc, juste à regarder les menus, faire votre choix, et aller vous choisir un vin qui s'accordera à merveille avec les plats du chef! Sinon, ils ont une belle carte des eaux.

Les employés vous serviront avec classe, discrétion et bonne humeur. Et ils connaissent leur menu!

Vraiment, une belle expérience. Personnellement, j'y suis allée luncher deux fois, et dîner une fois. À chaque fois, je me suis régalée! Il est préférable de réserver (surtout le soir). Deux services les samedi.

1112, boul. de Maisonneuve est
Montréal, Québec, H2L 2Z5

Réservation : 514-525-3443
Midis : mardi au vendredi
Soirs : 7 jours

Menus, carte des eaux et vidéo du chef Lainesse tirés du site web

Sunday, July 13, 2008


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i was planning to watch "flashpoint",
a cop drama,
but was mesmerized by the "miss universe 2008" competition.
go figure!!
quite different,
wouldn't you agree?
set in beautiful vietnam,
but hosted by jerry springer & a spice girl?
i had my doubts,
but it wasn't so bad.
the show ran smoothly
& was interesting to watch.
we first got a look at all of the contestants
in their national "costume"...
most dazzling if not quite "traditional".
(miss thailand got recognized
for having the best costume).
those girls that caught my eye were:
venezuela, kosovo, vietnam, colombia & usa.
those that made the final 15 were:
south africa
domenican republic
czech republic
so i guess i ain't so bad
if 5 of the girls i noticed made top-15.
my only question is:
where are the black women???
aside of miss usa who looks afro-american,
but of a paler persuasion,
there were no black women in the top-15...
tanzania or ghana could have been there,
instead of australia & russia.
(that's my opinion. period.)
the swimsuit competition:
i liked
kosovo, domenican republic, italy, colombia,
czech republic & usa.
the judges went for:
venezuela, kosovo, mexico, australia,
domenican republic, italy, colombia,
russia, usa & spain.
the evening gown competition:
venezuela looked amazing
kosovo, an enchanteress
mexico looked good
australia unimpressed me
domenican republic was most dashing
italy, ah! italy
colombia looked gorgeous
russia. yawn!!!
usa fell on her butt
the judges decision for the top-5:
domenican republic
i lost kosovo,
but colombia was still in the running.
venezuela did very well
mexico did very well,
despite a stupid question...
domenican republic did well also
colombia did me proud
well? russia.
the final decision:
4th runner-up;
3rd runner-up:
2nd runner-up:
domenican republic
1rst runner-up:
new miss universe:
miss venezuela,
dayana mendoza.
get use to this face,
as we'll be seeing a lot of her
for the next year.
all in all,
a nicely produced show in general;
a selection that showed still some discrimination,
in my opinion;
a concept that still stereotypes women;
but if the girls truly enjoy this
& want this,
why not?...
it's their life after all.

on a sidenote,
miss el salvador was named miss congeniality.
what comes to mind with that prize is:
"always the bridesmaid, never the bride"...
but i would love to be once in my life a "miss congeniality",
since it is SO opposite to what i am...
one can always keep dreaming.

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i had mentionned before on cromagnon
that i was curious to see this movie.
with all the hype they caused over the internet,
i was intrigued.
it turned out
i couldn't see it in the theater
for various reasons.
i finally took the time
to watch it on VOD, via videotron,
& let me tell you this right now:
what a piece of crap...
a bunch of "beautiful people",
(& that's only a matter of taste, not mine)
are trapped in manhattan
while it's under siege by a big monster
& a bunch of tiny monsters...
i couldn't feel a damn thing for their plight,
the scenario was... (the what???).
the adrenaline stayed in the slumps.
it is a short movie that felt long.
it has no purpose.
the scary factor?
let me laugh here.
the whole thing just felt so dumb.
i wish now i had seen this sooner,
to spread the word.
but if i can spare one person,
only one,
from seeing this bullsh*t,
i'll have done my duty.
to think that "reportedly",
77% of reviews are "positive"...
I AM NOT !!!!!
it had a great marketing campaign,
but the final product
isn't worth all of the hype.
there are rumors of a sequel.
guess what???
nothing in this world
will make me watch that!!!
i swear,
in writing!!
(do you think videotron would refund me,
for watching such a piece of crap???
they do offer an exchange at their videoclubs
when crap like this happens...)
to think that "reign of fire"
was the worst i had seen...
cloverfield is now the worst.
don't rent it.
don't buy it.
unless you're a total moron...
ready to swallow just about anything

Saturday, July 12, 2008


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so i'm still reeling.
tonight was the presentation from portugal,
by grupo luso pirotecnia.
on a soundtrack going through
the whole repertoire of hollywood movies,
(or almost...),
it went from "gone with the wind" to "ghostbuster",
"indiana jones" to "titanic",
some oldies & some goodies.
it was quite a ride.
the only thing that blemishes their presentation is...
i think someone got triggerhappy
as the fireworks started even before the countdown,
thus desynchronizing everything by a few seconds.
but this said,
the spectacle was still amazing.
i believe this team came here with the resolve
to win this competition,
& they did put on quite a show.
not a SINGLE boring moment,
this was the fastest halfhour ever!!!
it was simply...riveting.
you know what?
for my 50th birthday,
if someone is thinking of throwing me a party with some fireworks...
(i wish!!)
i want these guys!!
& they can do exactly the same thing they did tonight
for "be our guest" from disney.
for technical reasons,
i have to give them 4.5,
but in my heart,
they get a 5+ !!!!
i think the applauds you got at the end
were most deserved.
(yes, i heard that from across the river...)
you've lit up montreal
with a most splendid show.
thanks a lot!!

Friday, July 11, 2008


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will you be one of those biting into the "apple"
& indulge in buying the new iphone 3G,
being released in canada today?
i know i won't...
i like gadgets,
but i find there's a limit.
i guess i'm not part of their target market.
the iphone has many capabilities.
let's review this,
from MY perspective...
cellphone capability:
i have one already,
which i haven't used lately.
it's in my desk,
& will remain there.
i have no immediate need for it.
i find people's usage of cellphones
downright abusive,
their behaviour anything but sociable,
it's often rude & inappropriate,
especially when you listen to what people have to say
on the damn thing...
(a total waste of time...)
camera capability:
at 2 megapixels,
it's nothing to shout about.
i have an ordinary camera with 6 megapixels,
& i wouldn't want to get less.
(i would prefer to improve rather... you know!!)
improve the quality,
i might think about it...
mp3 player:
i've always favored my sandisk,
that can play my music & video,
when i feel like it.
you're stuck with that big thing
that you can try sticking in your pocket
& not look ridiculous...
trust me!
the only thing
i want to see bulging in my pants is...
there are so many other features,
but for MY lifestyle,
these are mostly useless.
but on the technological side,
i'll give this much to apple:
they are really pushing the enveloppe
& forcing their competitors
to improve on their design & ease of use.
it is a good product,
per se...
but not one for me.
here in canada,
the carriers,
rogers & fido,
offer contracts that differ from those in the states.
i've heard their reasoning
& it does have some merits,
but their 6G download limit is ridiculous.
do you know how much stuff i download,
even on a daily basis????
i'll keep my desktop PC at home,
i'll carry my sandisk mp3 player whenever i feel like it.
even bring my camera once in a while.
& i'll keep my phone off the hook.
i hate phones!!!
maybe i should have started
with this statement...
i haven't even discuss the price of the phone
& the carrier's contract.
find out for yourself!!
as nifty as this gadget can be,
i saw nothing there
that compelled me to get it.
all i see
is a bunch of people rushing to get this
only to impress their friends
& appear all self-important.
i know who i am,
& my worth,
& i certainly don't need this
to validate myself.
but then again,
i did say
i didn't think
i was part of their target market,
didn't i...
i'll wait a "few more" generations
& see what the product looks like.
until then,
i'll just be happy with what i've already got.
& since i'm already spending a whole lot of time
in the virtual world,
wouldn't it be nice to get away from it all,
& have an actual life?
(no ratings as some might think
i am biased against this product,
which i'm not.
get it!!!
if you really, really must...)

a little update here,
about apple's iphone 3g coit interruptus.
am i glad i didn't partake in this?
yes i am...
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