Saturday, March 14, 2009


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it took me long enough to get to this one:
with kevin costner.
politics are like religion(s),
kind of taboo
& often the cause for dispute.
but it's also like the weather:
everybody's got something to say about it!!
please meet bud jonhson,
pure trailer park white trash,
on a long losing streak,
becoming the focus of a nation,
due to his daughter's good intentions...
you get to see the full force of the political machine
& the medias circus,
(don't they make a fine pair???)
as the fate of a nation rests
on one man's vote.
said man who is totally self-absorbed & completely clueless
about every social & political issues that should matter.
given the circumstances,
he's only too happy to be a freeloader,
but thanks to his daugther molly,
played by madeline carroll
[who clearly steals the show here],
& some unlikely allies,
bud shapes up
& may make an enlightned choice as he casts his vote at the end.
but they don't show you whom he voted for,
which is perfect,
as this was not the point of the movie.
i've rated this 3.5,
however it is still an enjoyable movie,
which i regret not seeing.
kevin is as charismatic as ever;
madeline is simply great,
& you get to see a great cast.
it's got a comedic allure,
but it is about very serious issues here.
it may not prove
that every vote actually counts,
as this was overly dramatized,
but everyone is entitled to be heard.
i think
the last american election
proved just that.

if politics is your thing,
make sure to watch primary colors,
with john travolta & emma thompson.
a not-so-subtle parody of the clintons...
need i say more?

& not to forget:
man of the year,
with robin williams.
how a tv host
who always made fun of politicians
finds himself on his way
to the white house.
a riot!!!
politics will never stop fascinating us,
whether we agree or not
with the people involved.


linoue said...

Wow, je suis suprise que tu as été attiré à louer ce film (car pas sci-fi, thriller ou bio...). Ca devait être pour Kevin!!!

J'aurais honnêtment passé à côté sans le remarquer au mag. loc. dvd car j'ignorais même l'existance de ce film (pas vu d'affiches ou de pub).

Merci! Après avoir lu l'histoire en qque part ca m'attire. Bon acteurs et surtout le trailer park white mon nouveau héros à la télé est: My name is Earl... je suis partie dans ub trip redneck!

La Bloggia said...

Oups... pas de tour Eiffel?
Pas de costumes d'époque?
Pas de peintres?
Pas de longues séquences chargées de sous-entendus?

Des drapeaux américains partout?

Pas pour moi...

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