Friday, May 7, 2010


i don't kiss the ground you walk on,
i lick it!!!!
i remember:
une adolescente aux dents croches,
au show de michel jasmin,avec une assurance frisant l'arrogance...
my, my!!
you've come a long way
and you have achieve so much!!!
who knew?!?
when you started to sing in english,
i found you a new appeal,though "incognito" had a little something...
moi, la colombe, le pape, etc, non merci...
but when you aimed for the american market,
you got it right.
a survey this week declared you
the americans' favorite female singer!!
no small feat!!
this said,"TAKING CHANCES",
your latest tour,
shot in montreal for the DVD,
is, simply put,
a square stage,
right smack in the middle of the BELL center,
to better embrace the audience on all sides.
it looks sober but is quite effective
as it has a few perks,
allowing CELINE and her dancers
to entertain everyone equally.
one detail that makes me smile...
the inclined walkways....
does she misses the stage in vegas?????
despite all of the aggravations it caused?...

her fashion is a dream...
those shoes in the beginning are fierce!!
what are they, prada, louboutin, what?!?
i'll have to look it up.
her voice is at her best,
CELINE looks splendid
and she goes through her french and english repertoire,
singing in front of her fans
on home turf.
it had been a while,
given her stint in las vegas...
but we don't hold a grudge,
always willing to embrace again
the prodigal child...
which she is!!
alright!so, i'm a big fan of CELINE!!
but i can still bitch...
as she was singing,
a strap of one of her shoes fell down a bit...
(because she's a tad too skinny...)
her hair needs some hair conditioner...
(those backlights don't lie, too much static!!)
and she says "may" instead of "meeh!!"
keep your eyes on ME!!,
not on MAY!!!
but when one has to bitch about such things...
doesn't it mean her show is simply...

but seriously,
next time,
i expect your hair to look like those PANTENE commercials...
frivolity aside,
her homage to HEART and QUEEN showed her potential to expand,
and was a great tribute.
all in all,
such a great show!!
she proves once again what a great artist she is,
(no lipsynch for her, no siree!!),
and the closest to my heart.
you give so much,
as an artist,
and as a woman.
don't think eveything goes unnoticed!!
we hear things...
you are a good woman!!!
and such a great artist!!
did you know she could twirl?!?
if she wishes to ever retire,
(god forbid!!),
she could work for our football team,
she'd be quite the sensation on the field,
wouldn't she?!?
il me semble de la voir la!!!
excuse me while i watch
the DVD of her tour around the planet.
a woman that can evoke such passion and compassion,
can't be bad,
can it?!?
may your son take after you...

it is a unique experience to see the world
through CELINE's eyes and her big extended family.
while her reality is remoted from ours,
she remains genuine, caring and loving.
if her life is considered to be privileged,
it is also extremely demanding,
the care she has for her fans,
no matter where on the planet is admirable.
always the right words to please,
the wardrobe adjustments so not to offend people,
always respectful of their ways.
but it is absolutly fascinating
to see how the world is responding to her as well.
fans around the planet show her the same courtesy.
in the vid,
i saw fans in shanghai, china,
holding a sign in french,
"je t'aime".
and you see people of all creeds, races, nations,
tell why they love CELINE DION.
and their love is intense, unconditional,
just like CELINE herself.
music is truly universal,
and CELINE is its best ambassador.
you'll guess she gets another five stars for this.
what an artist she is!!
she embraces the world,
and the whole wide world embraces her too!!
HUGZ (again!!)


La jasette said...

Wow! Tu as vu Celine !!!!

Lorsqu'elle pousse la fameuse note dans " all by myself " J'en ai eu des frissons sur le corps tout entier !!!!

Je dois absolument voir "celine autour du monde" !!!!!

Ha ! Quels puissants souvenirs refont surface ...

La jasette !

Bruno Laliberté said...

@ la jasette:
c'etait l'evidence meme que je me procurerais ce DVD, qui est tres bien fait d'ailleurs. et comme c'etait plus qu'abordable, je m'attends a ce que les gens se garochent la-dessus. ca va partir comme des petits pains chauds.

linoue said...

She did it again! Celine's songs are not on my ipod playlists.

I had seen her in Vegas, remembered thinking at the begining of the show, Geez, I know these songs. After 15 minutes, I was completely overwhelmed by her voice, talent, musicians, dancers and the whole show. I had tears in my eyes, I was completely blown away.

While watching the dvd last night (THX), I was completely taken in. What a voice, this lady can sing anything she wants, her range is just incredible. I must say that for such a tiny woman, the voice is big an coming from her heart, she definetly has got soul!

The choreography, her timing, she is a well oiled machine, a true professional. What I admire about her (besides her talent), is the fact that she has a very human side. When she sits on the piano, starts singing one lyric (I love you or something like that) and the crowd just goes wild. She stops, takes a well deserved bow and she is almost in tears. My favorite moment, I was in tears!

What a great show, Celine you simply are The Best.

PS TBear, did you notice a guy in the crowd wearing the same hat as you?

Bruno Laliberté said...

@ linoue:
yes dear, i noticed the hat...
i knew it wasn't an exclusive.

the song you're referring to is "MY LOVE". a great moment indeed. but the one that throws me literally on the floor is "IT'S A MAN'S WORLD". i watch the whole show and then, i play that song at nauseam.

i'm glad you like the CD/DVD. she's a great artiste and she is from "chez nous"!!!

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