A new beer out on the market, Molson's Canadian 67. Why the 67? Because it only contains 67 calories, low carbs and only 3% alcohol. This is great news as spring is coming along and many beer lovers want to get rid of the "beer belly" or "muffin top" ( in my case).
The best news of all is that this beer tastes wonderful. As a beer lover, I will never sacrifice taste for health benefits. In this case, I can have both.
Canadian 67 is a crisp, dry beer, bubbly and refreshing. I can very well imagine it served ice cold with a twist of orange on a very hot summer afternoon. Belly will not feel heavy, alcohol level will not make you pass out under the sun's heat. It will become my iced tea substitute for this summer.
With the beer market introducing stronger(more alcohol) beers or shots in the past few years, it is nice to know that there are more and more options for weight-conscious, designated drivers and beer-lovers who do not want to act stupid after drinking four. Their only competitor (as I am aware of in Quebec) is Sleeman Clear. Let's hope more breweries start bringing down the alcohol content while keeping our taste buds satisfied.
If you are looking for less than 3% alcohol in a beer, I recommend my personal favorites: O'Doul's and Le Choix Du President(0.5%).
On another note, just tried "Le Clos St-Ambroise" cheese. Love their beer and now their cheese too. It's a beer-ripened cheese, has great texture and a bit of a fuity-nutty taste... bye-bye Philadephia, my bagels have a new best friend.
Saturday morning (i.e.: cleaning day). Just read that I can purchase a digital copy of the new Radiohead album «The king of limbs» online ( thekingoflimbs.com ). Wow, this will make scrubbing and vaccuming a lot more fun. Whether spring comes soon or not, I don't care, I've got new Radiohead and it usually keeps me happy for a few seasons...
Cleaning the bathroom tiles:
First song "Bloom" has this experimental-off beat sound. OK, will listen.
Scrubbing bathtub:
I definetly have a beat here "Morning Mr Magpie", funky background sound, voice is definetly angry... You've got some nerve, coming here. Yeah, like it. Yeah, I'm scrubbing, my tiles are clean now!
Sink & toilet, gloves required:
"Little by Little" just love it, it had the power, registered to my brain's hard drive immediately. Great melody, brilliant arrangements. The refrain, reminds me of something you would repeat to someone to nag them (like a: na,,na, na, na-a... goodbye germs)
Steaming bathroom floor:
"Feral", part techno-Egyptian. Not quite sure yet, but has a beat I could not help but put my H20 mop in sync to it.
"Astiquer" les kitchen appliances:
I have Windex, Vim, Mr Net & Radiohead's Lotus Flower, I am so armed (Danger, Danger). Groove, voice it's all there for me. Yes I am set free. Wait, what is that synthesizer melody in the background, kind of remind me of a 80's song (which I cannot find on my hard drive).
Vacuum kitchen surface:
I actually turned the vacuum off 30 seconds into the song (Codex), sat down. Piano, voice, had to have whole experience here. BEAUTIFUL. Melody just got to my bones, Mr Yorke's voice floats through the clouds, I am now realizing that "King of limbs" is not a "happy" album, I actually feel someones' heart is in pain. Very intense song.
I do not want to clean anymore...but okay steaming kitchen floor:
Ouch... "Give Up The Ghost". I am reminded of some of my favorites (not in melody but in intensity), "How To Disappear Completely"(Kid A) / "Pyramid Song"(Amnesiac). I feel like it's a 60's ballad that could have been written by C S N & Y, guitar is there, chorus, purity in the voice, rhythm. "Don't hurt me...", no one wants to be hurt, the voice comes from the inside here, genuine.
OK, keep going, vacuum hallway:
"Separator", thought it was ok, but was not paying much attention.
Well, I still had more rooms to clean:
therefore I have listened 4 more times to the album before sitting down in front of my very clean desk and pc. It just grew on me, still listening to it while typing this (number 5 listening going here). The more I listen, the more I want to listen to it. (I am adding this today, Sunday, have listened again while going for a walk, all songs are excellent, even better than yesterday. I'm addicted I tell you).
Rhythm wise, not the energy of "In Rainbows", commercially heck I don't know, musically, it is brilliant, story wise, it touches my soul and relates to: Once I was passionately in love, but real life ("Obligation, complication, routines and schedules") killed that flame, my heart was broken, I tried to get over it and move on, did (?) but the scar remains.
Personally, music's beauty , is that even though there are 7 088 096 464 persons on the Earth (as I am posting), I sometimes feel that songs were written just for me, they directly connect to my vibes and my life experiences, makes me feel I am never alone. OK, enough of the EGO here, it must do this to many others too, still then makes me feel I am a "normal" "average" human. It is comforting to know we can connect in any way, always.
So, Radiohead fans: :must. Music lovers: gotta have in your library. Not your "kind of music": listen twice, you will be addicted.
Hey, if you give dance lessons, I'm in, you look like you are having way too much fun there. -jealous