Sunday, November 2, 2008


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my favorite museum in the city,
has been most fortunate recently.

ben weider,
an iconic figure in the bodybuilding industry,
passed away.
my condoleances to the weider family
& friends.
but this man was also reknown
as an avid collector of the napoleonic era.
& our good fortune comes from the fact
that mister weider wished for his collection
a most generous endeavor,
as the museum installed the whole collection in three small galleries,
rather than blending it with the rest of the permanent collection,
thus confering a sense of privacy,
allowing us to fully appreciate the man's passion.
while i wasn't thrilled with absolutely everything i saw,
i'll admit having a weakness
for a collection of medallions
& the sculptures,
which were few but ever so superb.
you'll find as well some splendid pieces of furniture,
various portraits;
also some silverware.
what must have been his pride & joy,
a few personal items worn & used by napoleon himself,
most likely during his campaigns.

ben weider,
a great businessman,
a man of ideals,
a man of passion,
& a benefactor.
thanx ben!!!
it was great.
as for me,
i say this is a must-see.
& it's free!!
what better gift this native montrealer could offer to montreal?
none better.
& his passion lives on.

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