Sunday, November 23, 2008


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the latest of sarah brightman is,
dramatic, superb & uplifting.
the angel with the cleavage
once more thrills us to bits.
my ONLY complain is,
it goes by SO fast...
i guess that's what the replay button is for,
because i don't tire of it.
"les fleurs du mal" will totally floor you;
"sanvean", a reprise from lisa gerard (dead can dance),
fits nicely here.
she had better,
as i've always loved dead can dance.
the production is splendid,
sarah is flawless
& this album is a balm for your soul.
i'm still gliding
in my private nirvana...

Saturday, November 22, 2008


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another animation from pixar,
who has always excelled
in delivering us the best in animation.
humans left the planet centuries before,
leaving behind only robots,
to clean up their mess.
please meet WALL*E:
Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth class,
a hard-working robot,
who feels very lonely,
having for only companion a cockroach...
until one day,
a ship lands on earth leaving something behind,
Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator.
wall*e falls in love almost immediatly,
once he's overcome his fears of eve,
'cause the lady has a temper,
& a canon,
& she ain't afraid to use it!!!
it'll take more time for eve to understand,
but their adventure together
will decide the fate of the human race.
i am happy to say
that my inner child is doing great,
as i fell totally in love
with these characters.
this movie is not big on dialogue,
but that's not the point.
it's about feeling,
maybe love (?);
simply put,
it's about what we consider
as human needs.
there's action, drama,
but mostly,
some candid humor
done in a splendid production.
may wall*e & eve
live happilly together for a long long time
strongly recommanded,
for any age group.
you're never too young,
nor too old,
to see something this good.


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i froze my butt for you today,
surrounded by a mob of hysterical kids
& aggravated/ing parents...
to see santa claus.
i thought it might be a good idea...
yeah, right!!
what was scheduled to start at 11 a.m.
only showed up 45 minutes later,
the parade draggued on,
leaving us often staring at an empty street.
i was not overwhelmed by the floats,
finding them rather plain & boring.
but i'll give credit to the volunteers
that paraded in this cold,
for our entertainment.
hats off to them!!
not being christian,
xmas itself has little meaning for me,
or should i say none at all?
but i still remember parades from my youth,
when it seemed more lavish,
more magical.
either my brain has embellished the memories,
or i can only see now
the overcommercialisation of this event,
to a sickening level...
i was surprised not to see some logo
stuck on santa's ass,
like mcdonald or mastercard,
or something...
not everything was totally mercantile
as we were treated to some participation
from the ethnic communities of montreal,
such as ukrainian (or russian?) dancers,
a chinese marching band,
some latino (mexican) dancing group;
we saw some cheerleading troops doing quite well.
the policemen on horses
& a firetruck
proved as usual to be a crowd pleaser.
the shriners,
appeared also,
& thankfully.
their presence in our city
is a blessing.
but was it worth freezing for over 2 hours outside?
if i'd been 40 years
without watching a parade,
it's a safe bet
it'll be another 40 years
before i do so again...
& given my age,
this is most likely
the last time,
because in 40 years,
i doubt i'll be thinking much
of santa claus & his parade...
i'm just glad
i'm back home,
& that's where i'll stay!!
but you can always watch it
on local channels tomorrow...
that's perhaps what i should have done.
what can i say?
i'm a creature of comfort...

Thursday, November 20, 2008


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in case you've missed the news,
it was announced by pierre karl peladeau,
ceo of quebecor,
the launch of
all videotron customers will be able to access,
via the 900,
a new VOD
specializing in quebecois cinema.
in these troubled times
where culture is neglected
& poorly subsidized by our governments,
it is nice to see a private corporation
taking care of what constitute
our cinematic heritage.
an opportunity for people like me
to get [better] acquainted with our local industry,
from various eras.
or an occasion for the fans to indulge
in this bit of culture
that has come to reflect our society
for decades now.
i'm sure to give a try eventually
& must congratulate PKP for this decision.
it is definitely high time
we got something like this,
promoting what's being done here,
rather than constantly being bombarded
by what's being done abroad.
a 5-stars for the initiative!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


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we're all familiar by now with OFFICE MAX' s "elf yourself".
god knows it was popular last year!!!
they've joined ranks with JIBJAB
to offer us more options,
much to my delight.
creating your vid is a snap,
chilplay really.
& they get a "5 stars" rating for that.
on the other hand...
getting hold of your vid is another matter entirely,
much to my dismay!!!
embedding proved impossible,
whether through the automatic embedding,
or even manually...
(my computer crashed like 4 times,
with no positive results to show for...)
& for this,
they get the "bomb"!!!
a ZERO rating.
shame on you guys!!!
so i opted to purchased my creations,
wondering if this is not the whole point
from the beginning,
you wanting your vid,
them wanting your money...
who knows?
the purchasing & downloading process
is long & tedious,
(as if that was ALL i had to do in life???)
but in the end,
i was finally able to present to you the result.
they'll get a "3",
as an average.
the creative process
& end result is fine,
but the "getting it!!" is far from being fine.
they'll need to work on that...
it's still fun
if you only want to send a link
for your family & friends to see,
it is at your own risk.
if you are more patient than i am,
you'll enjoy this to its full measure,
despite the few aggravations...
with this,
may we, the crew at CRITIKX, offer you all
our very best wishes
for the upcoming holidays.
(update: you can download your vids now...finally!!)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Et bien, tant qu'à être en dehors de ma zone de confort musicale, allons-y gaiement avec ce nouvel album à paraître le 18 novembre (cette fois-ci c'est vrai, j'ai consulté le site de Archambault!). Il s'agit de Beast. Beast est composé de Beatrice Bonifassi et Jean-Phi Goncalves. Déjà, ça fait saliver, non?

Donc, il s'agit d'un CD classé dans le genre électronique. Yep. Mais contrairement à ce que je reproche habituellement à ce genre musical, ça groove! Et la voix si unique, magnifique et puissante de Beatrice Bonifassi apporte une chaleur aux sons technos.

Et parlant de chaleur, la thématique de l'album Beast en est imprégnée. Et non, il ne s'agit pas de soleil et de plage, mais de l'antre de la Bête. Voici les titres :
  1. Devil
  2. Finger Prints
  3. Microcyte
  4. Interlude I
  5. Mr Hurricane
  6. Out of Control
  7. Ashtray
  8. Dark Eyes
  9. City
  10. Arrow
  11. Interlude II
  12. Satan

Et qu'en pense LaBloggia? Et bien elle se fait aller le popotin avec entrain et conviction sur cette musique très bien rendue. J'adore les arrangements, les sons et l'athmosphère générale qui se dégage de ce CD. Tenez, j'imagine très bien Whoopi Goldberg dans Act Sister interpréter avec ses frangines la pièce "Satan"!

Je me suis procuré cette pépitte par i-Tunes qui l'offre temporairement au prix ridicule de $5.99. Sauf que je suis maintenant prise avec des fichiers au format m4p qui me briment dans ma liberté d'auditrice! M'enfin... c'est une autre histoire. Je n'ai donc pas pu les uploader dans Deezer pour vous les partager gentiment.

Ne vous reste qu'à vous rabattre sur leurs MySpace.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Bon!! Je n'en pouvais plus d'attendre cette galette si prometteuse. Comme je le mentionnais cet été, la sortie de ce nouveau matériel de la grande Grrrrace était prévu pour le 27 octobre. Faut croire que cela se passait sur un autre continent, car j'ai beau fouiller les sites de Archambault et de HMV, aucune trrrrace de l'Hurricane de Grrrrace!

Mais! Hé,hé,hé! Qu'à cela ne tienne, je me le suis procuré en bonne et due forme, et je me rince les tympans depuis deux jours de cette voix abyssale et colossale. Une voix vieillie, certe, mais toujours aussi efficace. Déjà, la vidéo de Corporate Cannibal donnait le ton. Adieu les rythmes discos (youppi, yessss!!). Faisons place à une mystérieuse ambiance techno, parfois sur fond reggae (revisité), mais jamais monotone. Une guitare électrique bien placée ou un mélodie au piano nous rappellent que tout n'est pas électronique. Disons simplement qu'il ne s'agit pas de matériel pour stations de radio pop-gnan-gnan!

Ce qui ne veut pas dire que les pièces de cet opus sont dépourvues de rythme, que non, loin de là! Mis à part une ou deux pièces, l'ensemble me plait beaucoup. Et croyez-moi, nous sommes à des années-lumière de ce que j'écoute habituellement!! Mais après tout, n'est-ce point l'oeuvre d'une personne "inhabituelle"?

Tenez, dans un élan d'enthousiasme soutenu par ma grande magnanimité, je vous offre l'intégral du contenu de ce CD. Rien de moins.

Bonne écoute!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Photo Sharing and File Hosting at

talk about a long absence:
10 years!!!!
marie carmen comes back to us with
"le diamant",
full of lively melodies
& her voice has lost nothing,
i repeat,
of her charm.
i daresay she even sounds better,
if this is possible.
i guess the humanitarian work she's done in south america
over the years
has done some good to her soul.
she has matured as a woman,
if you put all of this together,
you can see she's at her peak,
sounding more serene & enjoying this.
against all hope,
she went back to the studio
to give us this gem,
which her fans will just lap up like honey;
& she's likely to gain new fans with this CD.
come on,
listen to those samples
& dare tell me
you're not tempted...
& girl!!!
don't you ever dare leave us like this for SO long,
ever again!!!
we've been waiting all of this time for you,
& are happy to embrace you,
once again.


Photo Sharing and File Hosting at
are you like me,
a PC user,
that went from XP to VISTA?...
i used to have HP image zone,
with the panorama maker,
but it is incompatible with VISTA...
if you look at the separate pictures,
& their variations in tonality,
you'll see that the panorama maker worked efficiently around this
to deliver a flawless picture.
you should know that this program
is PC & MAC friendly.
a view from my place,
taken this morning.
ain't it pretty?!...

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Photo Sharing and File Hosting at
my favorite museum in the city,
has been most fortunate recently.

ben weider,
an iconic figure in the bodybuilding industry,
passed away.
my condoleances to the weider family
& friends.
but this man was also reknown
as an avid collector of the napoleonic era.
& our good fortune comes from the fact
that mister weider wished for his collection
a most generous endeavor,
as the museum installed the whole collection in three small galleries,
rather than blending it with the rest of the permanent collection,
thus confering a sense of privacy,
allowing us to fully appreciate the man's passion.
while i wasn't thrilled with absolutely everything i saw,
i'll admit having a weakness
for a collection of medallions
& the sculptures,
which were few but ever so superb.
you'll find as well some splendid pieces of furniture,
various portraits;
also some silverware.
what must have been his pride & joy,
a few personal items worn & used by napoleon himself,
most likely during his campaigns.

ben weider,
a great businessman,
a man of ideals,
a man of passion,
& a benefactor.
thanx ben!!!
it was great.
as for me,
i say this is a must-see.
& it's free!!
what better gift this native montrealer could offer to montreal?
none better.
& his passion lives on.

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